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Prohibited Items Policy

Where we aim to foster a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all members of our community. To uphold these principles and comply with legal regulations, we have established guidelines regarding the types of items that are prohibited from being listed or sold on our platform. By engaging with Only Latest, you agree to abide by this Prohibited Items Policy and our Terms of Use.

1. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, and Medical Drugs and Devices, and Items making Medical Claims:

Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and related items are strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Alcoholic beverages, including homemade or craft spirits.
  • Tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco.
  • Illegal drugs, narcotics, controlled substances, and drug paraphernalia.
  • Items making medical claims without proper authorization or certification.
  • Prescription drugs and regulated medical devices.

2. Animal Products and Human Remains:

To respect ethical and legal standards, the following items are prohibited:

  • Live animals, including pets and livestock.
  • Products derived from endangered or threatened animal species, as defined by relevant legislation or international agreements.
  • Items made from cat and dog parts or pelts, in accordance with US Federal Law.
  • Ivory or bones from ivory-producing animals, including tusks, elk ivory, fossilized ivory, and woolly mammoth ivory.
  • Items made from human remains or products from the human body, with the exception of teeth, fingernails, and hair in certain contexts.

3. Dangerous Items: Hazardous Materials, Recalled Items, and Weapons:

For the safety of our community and compliance with regulations, the following items are prohibited:

  • Hazardous materials such as explosives, flammable substances, corrosive chemicals, radioactive materials, and toxic substances.
  • Items subject to recalls by government agencies or manufacturers due to safety concerns.
  • Weapons, including firearms, ammunition, explosives, knives, swords, and other items intended for harm or self-defense.

4. Hate Items: Items that Promote, Support, or Glorify Hatred:

To maintain an inclusive and respectful environment, we prohibit items that promote or glorify hatred, discrimination, or violence based on protected characteristics. This includes:

  • Content containing violent or degrading commentary against individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, immigration status, or caste.
  • Items that support or commemorate hate groups, propaganda, or collectibles associated with hate ideologies.

5. Illegal Items, Items Promoting Illegal Activity, and Highly Regulated Items:

To ensure legal compliance and uphold community standards, we do not permit the following:

  • Items that are illegal to sell, possess, or distribute under applicable laws and regulations.
  • Items promoting or facilitating illegal activities, including but not limited to fraud, piracy, hacking, and counterfeit goods.
  • Highly regulated items subject to strict legal restrictions, including certain electronics, pharmaceuticals, weapons, and financial instruments.

6. Internationally Regulated Items:

When engaging in cross-border transactions, sellers and buyers are responsible for compliance with international laws and regulations, including but not limited to:

  • Import and export restrictions on specific items imposed by countries of origin or destination.
  • Economic sanctions and trade embargoes enforced by governmental authorities.
  • Licensing, permitting, or documentation requirements for certain categories of goods.

7. Nudity and Mature Content:

While we value creative expression, we enforce restrictions on explicit content to maintain a welcoming environment. Prohibited items include:

  • Pornographic material depicting explicit sexual acts, nudity, or sexual content intended for arousal.
  • Depictions of violence, gore, or other mature themes that may be deemed offensive or inappropriate.
  • Items promoting self-harm, suicide, or eating disorders.
  • Explicit or graphic representations of taxidermy or violent imagery.

8. Violent Items: Items that Promote, Support, or Glorify Violence:

To promote a culture of peace and respect, we do not allow items that endorse or glorify violence or harm towards self or others. This includes:

  • Items celebrating or commemorating violent acts, tragedies, or criminal activities.
  • Content that encourages self-mutilation, starvation, or other forms of self-harm.
  • Depictions of weapons, combat, or aggressive behavior that may promote violence or aggression.

Enforcement and Compliance:

Violations of this Prohibited Items Policy may result in the removal of listings, suspension or termination of seller accounts, and other appropriate actions as determined by Only Latest. We reserve the right to review and update this policy periodically to reflect changes in legal requirements, community standards, or marketplace dynamics.

Reporting Violations:

If you encounter any items that violate this policy, please report them to our support team for prompt review and action. Your cooperation helps us maintain a safe and supportive marketplace for all members of our community.

Policy Effective Date:

This Prohibited Items Policy is effective as of January 1, 2024, and supersedes any previous versions. Sellers are responsible for regularly reviewing and complying with the latest version of this policy to avoid penalties or account restrictions.

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